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Is Artificial Intelligence Really the Biggest Threat to Developer Jobs? A Look at the Changing Market in 2024

There are many talks about artificial intelligence (AI) and how it might take over jobs, especially in tech fields like software development. But is AI the main reason behind the shrinking number of developer jobs? In this article, I will try to dig into the real reasons why the job market for developers is changing and why developers need to consider their future carefully.

The Economy’s Impact and Cost-Cutting:

The global economy has faced a lot of challenges recently such as the Russia- Ukraine war and the Gaza-Isreal war after trying to recover because of the coronavirus pandemic issue.

 This has directly impacted various industries, including technology. When the economy is shaky, companies often look to cut costs and pause hiring to keep their businesses running. This focus on reducing expenses has led to fewer job openings for software developers.

Many small and medium-sized businesses—and even some larger ones—are now walking towards using ready-made software solutions instead of custom-built software. In a world where budgets are getting more tight, cutting back on hiring developers is one-way companies try to save money. This has led to a noticeable decrease in the number of available jobs for developers, making the job market feel like it’s shrinking quickly.

The Rise of Ready-Made Solutions:

As companies face increasing pressure to save money, they’re turning to more cost-effective ways to get their tech projects done. This is where ready-made solutions, like Software as a Service (SaaS) platforms such as Shopify, WordPress, and Wix, come into play. These platforms as we know allow businesses to create and manage websites and applications without needing large development teams, which helps them save both time and money.

In the past, companies would often hire developers to build custom software tailored to their specific needs. But now, it’s more common for businesses to use ready-made solutions requiring only minor adjustments. This trend isn’t new, but it has gained much momentum in recent years as companies focus on cutting costs wherever they can.

Moreover, there are more tools available now that make software development faster and easier. This has reduced the need for highly skilled developers to create applications from scratch. As a result, many small and medium-sized businesses no longer prioritize hiring developers as much as they used to.

The Role of Artificial Intelligence:

While AI gets a lot of attention for potentially taking over jobs, it’s not the main reason why developer jobs are becoming scarcer. Yes, AI can automate some routine programming tasks, which might reduce the amount of manual work needed in certain areas. But its impact is relatively minor compared to the larger effects of economic shifts and the growing preference for ready-made solutions.

AI can help developers by improving efficiency and productivity, allowing them to focus on more complex and creative tasks. But when it comes down to it, the real reasons behind the decline in developer jobs are economic changes and market trends, not AI.

Should Developers Be Worried?

As job opportunities in software development become fewer, it’s natural to feel concerned about the future. But instead of worrying, developers should think about how to adapt to these changes and stay flexible in a shifting job market.

One of the best ways to stay relevant is by continuing to learn. Technology is always evolving, so developers need to keep improving their skills and learning new tools and techniques. Working on personal projects can also be helpful. For example, developing complex websites or simulating systems with high traffic can show potential employers that you’re up to date with current market needs.

It’s also a good idea to improve your project management and teamwork skills, as these have become increasingly important in today’s job market.


While AI is often seen as a threat to the future of developer jobs, the reality is that economic changes and the growing use of ready-made solutions are having a much bigger impact on the job market. Developers need to be ready for these changes by continuing to improve their skills and looking for new ways to develop themselves. In the end, staying adaptable and learning how to navigate these shifts will be key to success in this evolving field.

This article was inspired by Laravel Daily video

By : Hamza Hassan 
Backend Developer 